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A few snips extend the season in the Indiana landscape
Try these new tropical plants in the Indianapolis landscape
8 great spring plants for the Indiana landscape
Three evergreen perennials for the Indiana landscape
A new, native black-eyed Susan for the Indiana landscape
How to force spring bulbs for indoor winter enjoyment
Ron Howe Awarded Lifetime Achievement Award
Deer-resistant spring bulbs to plant in the landscape
Rex begonias for shady Indiana landscapes or pots
Disease resistant zinnias for the garden
Three native plants create buzz
Three fragrant flowers for spring
Mark M. Holeman 1920-2020
Happy 100th birthday, Mark Holeman
Holeman pros pick favorite garden plants for Year of Classic Blue
Holeman Landscape’s ideas for holiday cheers
Should you clean up or not clean up the garden in fall?
Seasonal beauty tips for fall pots
Late-season perennials color the Indiana landscape
Weather increases chance of fungus disease on plants